This is the first gallery of Liz Taylor's photos from my personal collection
Last 3 pictures are new (updated 5/11/08)
liz1.JPG 33k: with Paul Newman
liz2.JPG 53k: a tender one with her puppy
liz3.JPG 21k: nice picture in black & white
liz4.JPG 30k: beautiful picture
liz5.JPG 54k: caring her horse
liz87.JPG 23k: Liz with Glen Davis
liz8.JPG 22k: beautiful picture
liz12.JPG 38k: her first wedding
liz13.JPG 23k: an actual picture
cleopatra.JPG 67k: one of my favs
cleopatra1.JPG 47k: with Burton in the sets of Cleopatra
cleopatra2.JPG 36k: another from Cleopatra
lizmonty1.JPG 24k: A place in the sun
lizmonty2.JPG 56k: Elizabeth Taylor and Monty Clift playing pool
dametaylor.bmp 450k: with the Queen of England
taylortan.bmp 1.43MB: a beautiful sun tan
doll.bmp 498k: a doll for sale at
Elizabeth Taylor Tribute 2008