gal3.gif (11571 byte)

This is the third gallery of my site

If you want to make picture contributions e-mail me


liz52.JPG 45k: Liz posing in this black & white picture

liz54.JPG 42k: Cleopatra & Anthony

liz55.JPG 78k: a magazine cover Liz as Cleopatra

liz56.JPG 47k: wearing a green dress

liz57.JPG 60k: beautiful smile

liz71.JPG 51k: Liz in her teen years

liz72.JPG 48k: with her brother Howard

liz73.JPG 111k: Liz kissing Richard

4 Rare pictures don't miss them, courtesy of Rafael Jimenez

wf4.JPG 107k

postal.JPG 128k

sansebastian.JPG 128k

sansebastian2.JPG 128k

4 great pictures don't miss them, courtesy of Alex Sousa

lizsls1.JPG 37k: Liz on the beach, if you want the original the one of 547k ask me for it

lizd1.JPG 40k: cover from a brazilian magazine, the original is 648k

lizcleo1.JPG 45k: Liz as Cleopatra, the original is 827k


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Elizabeth Taylor Tribute  2008